Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enlightened Business

Are you looking for a fulfilling business? Twenty years ago I was a stay at home mom looking for a way to supplement my income. I searched but didn't find anything that fit my personality and values. Fifteen years later I found the perfect fit. I had and still have a lot of learning and growing to do. Life is all about change, right? We have to believe in ourselves and trust that we are headed in the right direction.

The truth is I wasn't ready for a business then. My main focus at the time was my family. I was and am passionate about being a mom who is a loving presence in my son's life.

Lots of life changes occurred and I evolved along with them. I found that it was time for me to spread my wings and try new things. I saw an ad for a home business that was ideal for me. It had high quality products that I loved and used. I invested a few hundred dollars and began my journey as a business owner.

I had a lot of learning to do! I was a complete novice. I read all of the company literature and tried many avenues of working my business. I attended a company convention shortly after joining, bought business cards and joined my local chamber of commerce. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end! I was very shy and was in situations where I had to talk with people and take center stage. Yet I stuck with it and it became more comfortable. Some of the skills that I learned networking have helped in other areas of my life. I am much more comfortable meeting people and handling public speaking.

Business is a hologram of life. It's about learning, growing, improving and having unshakable faith and vision.